Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm coming for you !


No school on friday and monday . YAYE .
Well last three days of examinations . really hope i could get good results . <:
Anyway , played Hangmen with the usuals yesterday .
at first was Baozhong,Zhenrong and kwangjie vs me and jerome .
But Baozhong left halfway so ..
Next is Zhenrong and Kwangjie vs me and mandy and jerome .
But Baby halfway became referee . LOL .
We was losing actually , but we still won . :D
I'm working hard to my target and i'm looking forward to it .
Ohya , Mondo having sales ! Just bought a pair of sandal from there .
And i think i'm far too careless , actually accidentally and went to cut a hole . FML .
Cant believe it also .
Had this kinda feeling , which is like looking forward to meeting them . ahaha.

Plans for after examinations :
  • Get my earpiece .
  • Shopping maybe ?
  • Halloween party?
  • KTV with usuals .
  • and lastly , looking forward to ... ahahaha . but i'm still so scared and nervous . wth .

Like what Geraldyn said , i must get good results first . So lets work hard for the last 2 papers ^^And enjoy our life to the maxi. o: although we do have to prepare for our studies next year . but i think we still can enjoy much .Will be working in the Dec holidays , hopefully it will work out . because we all need MONEY .

Cousin's birthday next week , no idea what to buy for him yet . And i think nowdays young children are really very fortunate . Because one of my aunt went to suprise one of my little cousin by bringing him to cruise on his birthday.Thats pretty cool though .

I think this might the longest post i've post . LOL . Alright . Say bye .


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