Saturday, October 2, 2010

Exams is just 2 days away . Thats fast . 1 and a half week more to go , Anna .
Shall wish GOODLUCK to my beloved baby here .
Including my close friends around me . Like the pretty Mandy . LOL .
Theres tons of things for us to do after the exam ..
so ..... endure and strive hard .
and so many things are happening recently . :@
ohya ! hope my chinese oral wont get so badly man . ohgod !
wasnt in very that good mood that day /:
okayokay , off to watch korean drama . Bye guys .

Jerome ,Mandy , Kwangjie, Zhenrong , Geraldyn , Baozhong , Rosanna , Tiffany , Edmund , Hongxin , Heri :D

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